Wong Eurylaimidae female: No black bars on the chest habitats: forest plateau reaches a height of 1000 granting the status of birds endemic to Thailand. A wide number of birds Seven species found in Thailand A rare bird observations. It blends in with the environment is very colorful.
Includes blog photos and information of the birds in Thailand. Bird and animal lovers should not miss.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Blanded Broadbill
Wong Eurylaimidae female: No black bars on the chest habitats: forest plateau reaches a height of 1000 granting the status of birds endemic to Thailand. A wide number of birds Seven species found in Thailand A rare bird observations. It blends in with the environment is very colorful.
White necked Laughingthrush
Held in the family Timallidae cries: "Chuck - Chuck - shaken," Warble each habitat: 500-1800 m elevation evergreen endemic birds of Thailand rare.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Black throated Laughingthrush
Wong Timallidae vocals: high-pitched as "mounts" or "that guy" is a melodic tune Jua extensive ongoing concern of local residents: forest endemic birds of Thailand. The distribution of species in southern China. And Eastern Burma It is known to vary with the local birds such as software Hood Soho's cameo bird Weighted birds weighted dive sites are found and identified for the first time that China has the scientific name is Chinese Garrulous chinensis global species. this kind 51.
Chestnut tailed Starling
This is a family Sturnidae subtype malabaricus habitats: sparse. Agricultural lands are found in a herd of resident and migratory birds, the presence of migratory birds found in Thailand.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
No female blue Orange and red stripes on the neck of the male habitat: meadows, fields, agricultural areas near the water status is a migratory bird of Thailand during the winter months is common.. To the northeast, central and northern.
Long tailed Broadbill
Held in the family Eurylaimidae cries: "chips - chips - chip" high pitched Habitat: evergreen forest endemic birds of Thailand.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
White headed Munia
Habitat: Fields Agricultural Area. Basic and open Thailand's endemic birds Mostly found in the South.
Chestnut Munia
Wong Estrildidae Habitat: Grasslands, wetlands, fields floors grove mainly in the plain. Thailand's endemic birds.
Friday, March 4, 2016
Black naped Oriote
Oriolidae family and I live in the mangrove trees along the orchard. Most are living in the canopy of the tree or shrub leaves. A bird endemic to Thailand.
Japanese White-eye
Wong Zosteropidae habitat: forest, evergreen forest, orchards and parks. Often a very large crowd Status of Migratory Birds of Thailand Some residents.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Common Starling
Sturnidae family is native to southern and western Europe. Including Southwest Asia Status in Canada As migratory birds or lost during the winter.
Family Muscicapidae like in the meadows, fields in the MOAC automobile near the water. And wetlands In the presence of migratory birds common.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Jerdon's Baza
Rainforest Habitat Mainly in the plains Status in Canada Resident and migratory birds are passing.
Changeable Hawk Eagle
(Also the larvae dimmed) hawk species are two sets of fur. The most common (typical morph) have upper body Nam Tan grayish color. Below are matches Pear dark brown stripes. The dress coat (dark morph) is dark brown all over. In a state bird endemic. Spread across all regions except Central. Source Distribution Indian Subcontinent Southeast Asia to Indonesia and the Philippines lifts emphases.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Common Starling
Sturnidea held in the family originated in southern and western Europe as well as Southwest Asia. Like living on farmland And open spaces Status in Canada Classified as migratory birds or lost during the winter.
House Sparrow
Wong Passeridae Habitat: urban agriculture. And open spaces Thailand's endemic birds, as I recall. This bird actually has its origins in the Middle East. A bird in nature are the most widely distributed species in the world.